Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today I...April 21st

Today I...

...was annoyed along with C and D when a tour guide who was supposed to come in to give a tour didn't show up in the morning, saying I had told her twice that her AM tour had been canceled and not her PM tour, when it was the other way around, she had even written on a schedule at the tourism counter that her PM tour was canceled. We put her on a tour that C was supposed to give in the afternoon since she had to do the AM tour that the AWOL guide was supposed to do, but then she didn't show up for that one either! We had no clue why she didn't show and by then we didn't care anymore. D went out to give the tour and we are going to make darn sure that she writes down her hours whenever we give her some from now on.

...went for a walk with my camera in hand during my lunch hour and wanted to share some of the pictures I took with you, but stupid Blogger won't let me post them for some reason so they'll have to go up tomorrow.

...bought a couch!!! I went out to the furniture store with my grandparents after work and was in and we were in and out of the store in a half hour I saw the couch on the store's website yesterday, loved it and was thrilled to see that it was on special (100$ off!) and went out to get it today. It's a good thing my grandparents were able to take me, because there were only three of this particular model left! If I had had to wait until the weekend they would all have been gone for sure. The store is going to deliver it to my new apartment next week, I can't wait!!!

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