Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Today I...December 21st

Today I...

...am sharing this picture of people skating on Beaver Lake in Mount-Royal Park with you.

...am so tired...one three days until my two weeks off now though, I'll make it!!!

...was happy that it was mild enough for me to walk home (-3 Celsius).

...pilfered a glue stick from the office to glue a picture I took to the envelope that my Sweetheart's Christmas Present is in.

...finally got around to washing the bathroom.

...still need to vacuum, I'll get there eventually :o)

...did wash the dishes though!

...am really, honestly going to try and get to bed early. Oh, the woes of the genetic Night Owl...my internal clock is set for me to go to bed at Midnight and get up at about 9:30 A.M., but the outside world makes me try as hard as I can to make it to bed for 11:30 P.M. and get up at 7:00 A.M. . I make it about 40% of the time. Eh, what can you do? And for the record, I don't drink coffee, so that isn't a solution for me, it just doesn't sit well with me, so when someone asked me on the phone this morning what I used to help me wake up in the morning after I yawned while answering one of his questions, I said orange juice and he laughed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm the oppostite of you, early to bed, early to rise.....

    -3 oC it was a heat wave for you yesterday then...LOL

