...am sharing a picture of Old Montreal with you. It was taken from beside the Cirque du Soleil tents last Tuesday :o)
...had a heck of a time dragging my tired self out of bed. Even though I only worked three days this week, I was naughty and didn't go to bed early enough. Oh well, it's the weekend now, so I can sleep in for two days and redeem myself.
...had a busy day at work, which included waiting around for a tour I was supposed to give which ended up not happening. Ah well, at least I was still of service to the group in other ways.
...went shopping after work and ended up buying more than I had intended to. Isn't that always the way of it??? lol
...baked my friend's birthday cake. I'm getting really good at this baking thing, I keep getting faster and faster at it! The cake is cooling now and my apartment smells nice and chocolaty, but man, did my kitchen get HOT!!!
...am very much looking forward to tomorrow! My Sweetheart is getting into town at about Midnight and we both have BBQs to go to, but we're hoping to get together afterwards. I'm spending my afternoon with friends playing mini-putt and celebrating house-warming and birthday (hence the cake) and my Sweetheart is going to his 10 year high-school reunion, but afterwards we're hoping to meet up.
...am advising you that I may not be blogging much this weekend because I'm going to be pretty busy on Sunday too, but I will try and do my best to get a post up by Sunday at the end of the day! Have a nice weekend, everyone and Happy Fathers Day to all you amazing dads out there :o)
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