...am sharing this movement filled picture of people enjoying the annual outdoor photography exhibit on McGill College avenue with you.
...had a very busy day at work. I felt like I didn't stop, I took my messages on the phone in the morning and every time I took a call or returned one, another message would end up in my voicemail box.
...lost track of time and nearly forgot to go to lunch.
...called my Grandma G to wish her a happy birthday, she turned 79 today :o)
...went to the post office to send my 'niece's' (best friend's daughter's) first birthday gift to Switzerland. I was stuck by the fact that I had to fill out a customs declaration form for the gift which allowed me to check the option 'gift' and then asked for the monetary value in Canadian dollars of the contents of the package. Jeeze, now the first thing my friend will see when she gets the package is how much (little) I spent on the gift. It's beautiful, but didn't cost much. I was still upset by having to put the amount on there though, I found it pretty darn lame.
...saw my next door neighbor for the first time, he was moving his girlfriend in. I honestly thought no one lived in the apartment next door to me as I never saw the guy and never heard him, he seemed really nice though, as did his girlfriend.
...went to dinner with my brother and my dad and it was awesome. Good food, great company, awesome evening :o)
...couldn't help but laugh when I found Magique sitting on the windowsill with one paw in the air after she got one of her claws stuck in the screen. I hear a noise like a cat scratching at a window screen when I got out of the shower, which is a major no-no of course. So I gave a holler and the noise stopped. As soon as I was dried off I stalked into the living room and there was Magique sitting there with her head turned towards me and a 'Get me the HELL out of this mess RIGHT NOW PLEASE!!!' look on her face. It was to die for!!!
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