...am sharing a picture of the ripening raspberries on my mom's raspberry bush, which she is sadly thinking of pulling out because she finds it invasive.
...had a pretty busy day at work since my phone kept ringing. I actually left my desk for a bit because I got tired of answering the phone all the time, so I went to bring some leaflets that the director of communications had brought us down to the information booths and then helped my colleague 'J' put some wheelchairs back in their place after a group who had borrowed them were done with them. I was most impressed when I got back to my desk and didn't have any messages! Turned out the phone was just waiting for me to come back to start ringing again though lol
...walked home from work since it was nice out. I managed to make it almost all the way here before really starting to feel the heat!
...am continuously flattered by all the compliments that the polo design I picked for the tour guides is so popular, now everyone wants one the same!
...spoke to my aunt and my grandparents and had a lovely time doing so.
...seem to have missed speaking with my Sweetheart this evening since I was on the phone with my family for so long. Quite the double-edged sword that...I'm hoping that my Sweetheart's computer has merely gone into sleep mode and that he hasn't signed off for the night, but I think I may be out of luck :o( Oh well, I guess I'll talk to him tomorrow.
Love that raspberry