...am sharing this photo I took of the daisies in my aunt and uncle's backyard on Sunday with you.
...had a busy morning at work followed by a quiet afternoon.
...ate sushi for lunch.
...realized that I am a victim of depleted funds this month. The usual rent+transit pass+cable, internet and phone bill would have been okay, but add electricity (with an exorbitant file opening fee) and gas bills on top of that and ouch...my checking account is hurting. Can't wait for my pay to come in next week and until then, the only things I'm spending on are my previously schedule spa appointment and groceries!
...would love to soak in the tub, but it's just plain too hot. If I sit in the tub, there's no way I'll be able to cool off after, even with the AC.
...found myself thinking that the temperature 'cooling off'' to 28 degrees Celsius really will feel like a cool off after this week, especially if the humidity bites the dust.
...am going to see if I can sleep with the AC running on low tonight to keep from waking up all sweaty at 3:00 A.M. like I did last night.
Your flower photography is beautiful. Looks like you are enjoying a very hot summer there this year.