...am sharing this picture of my cat Magique with you. Doesn't she look relaxed?
...spent my afternoon the way Magique must have been feeling when I took this picture of her. I had a nice, long nap and then an nice, long bath this evening, in between vacuuming and doing my laundry.
...went out to get cat food this morning, but ended up running home when I got a call from Videotron cable telling me that the techie who was only supposed to show up between noon and 8:00 P.M. was on his way to my place a bit after 11:00! These specialists! They're either at the late end of their obscenely long windows of opportunity to show up on your doorstep or obscenely early! Oh well, at least my cable box is working now.
...went out for brunch and then to get cat food and kitty litter with my brother. While he was there, I was just as well to take advantage of his manly strength and have him cart a bag of litter up to my apartment.
...found out, much to my relief, that I am most certainly not lactose intolerant. I guess my heart burn this week was from stress?
...am now going to go and wash my dishes and go watch a movie.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my kayak video. It was so much fun to round the bend to the strains of O Canada. Of course, I'm not sure if it was heart felt or tongue in cheek, either way it was friendly. We also had kids floating in inner tubes calling from the river, "Canadians, Canadians." Two even stopped to visit. Our little flag has never created such a stir.
ReplyDeleteLove your kitty. Yes, relaxed is the word of the day. - Margy
I wish I could be as relaxed as your cat! I'm glad you are not lactose intolerant...but sorry you are feeling so stressed. Maybe we should both be more like Magique. :)