...am sharing another picture of Magique with you. Here she is, lying in my basket full of clean laundry two weeks ago. Do I mind when she does this? Nah, not really. Magique hardly loses any hair at all, so I find this particular behavioral pattern of hers more cute than anything else :o)
...was very happy to see C come back to work looking rested and cheerful, she gave both D and I big hugs when she first saw us because she was so happy to see us.
...had a fairly quiet day work-wise, or may just have felt that way because I didn't have to do most of C's work anymore!
...spoke with my Sweetheart for a half-hour. We started telling one another what we would like to do together over the weekend and, as always, realized that there are way too many things we want to do together, especially since we would like to have a quiet weekend. Dear me...lol
Clearly she likes her bed to be with clean linen thanks very much