Sunday, December 9, 2012

Busy week and weekend

First off, the above YouTube video is of a performance of a song that was sung at the annual CBC Christmas Sing-In that was held at the Church of St.Andrew and St.Paul here in Montreal this afternoon. It was my second time going to the Sing-In with my friend G. We tried to go last year as well, but didn't make it in as the church was packed to capacity a half hour before the sing-in even began. The Sing-In is always lots of fun and I love how their repertoire is a mix of traditional pieces and more contemporary ones like this piece. It is well worth a listen if you have the time! The idea behind the Sing-In by the way  is to raise funds for a non-profit organization by inviting people to a performance of the St.Andrew and St. Paul's church choir (who are fabulous!) and giving the audience a chance to participate by singing along with the more well known songs. If ever you are in Montreal early in December, you should see if you can make it, but be sure to arrive at least an hour to an hour and a half before the beginning of the event to line up or you may not make it into the church!

On another note, I had a very busy week at work last week with lots of tours and phone calls and this week is looking like it is going to be the same as well. Except for the part where we're getting our first big snow storm of the year tomorrow and I will therefore be getting out of the tour I was supposed to be giving in the morning, thank Heavens! I normally enjoy giving tours, but I've really had my fill of them for now especially since most of them have been for teens who look like they would rather chew grass than visit a church. Teens are not an easy crowd. The only way to get through a tour with them (anyplace at all, because I've also given tours in museums and they would rather chew grass than visit those as well) is to act like you don't care that they don't care, otherwise they get the best of you and you're toast. They'll walk all over you and the teacher will complain to your superior, but if your superior knows anything about giving tours to teens, he'll show sympathy and let you off the hook. Act like you don't care that they don't care though and they'll typically grant you the favor of at least keeping quiet and not texting during the tour and the teacher will think you're great and come up and tell you so. So there you go, I was supposed to give a tour to some high school kids tomorrow and am now quite glad to know that I will not have to. Tours three days out of five instead of four makes a big difference.

Not too much new aside from that. I went out to a Christmas market that was being held at the Palais des Congrès in Old Montreal yesterday and got birthday and Christmas gifts for my Sweetheart. He is turning 30 on Wednesday (I'm next in two months, yikes!) and I think he's a bit leery of it. I'm sure he'll like his gift though. We didn't get to spend much time together last week because he had a lot of work to do, but we went to the 30th birthday party of a friend of mine from high school (we're all getting there at once, so that helps!) on Friday and he stayed over at my place and then last night after my shopping I went to his place for dinner. I'm hoping to spend more time with him this week than I did last week!

So that's it for this week, but to finish off here is one of a series of photos I took while I was out last night. It is  of the trees decorated for Christmas on McGill College Avenue with one of Montreal's landmark skyscrapers, Place Ville-Marie, in the background with it's strobe lights shining in the low clouds.

I hope you all have a lovely week :)


  1. Congratulations to your sweetheart. Did he like your presents? I hope you had a very enjoyable day celebrating.

  2. Music and singing can be a fun way to blend a community, congrats on the upcoming birthdays. The photos of Christmas lights in the snow are beautiful.

  3. Oh how I sympathise with you about giving tours to teens. I used to hate that when I did tour guiding at Glenfiddich Distillery. It was worse because I worked there as a summer job between the ages of 18 and 24, so I wasn't that much older then them and they knew it. I think you have the right strategy.
