The photos I take, the music I love and rambles about my daily life
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Looking forward
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Québec City
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Vacation post!
Now that I'm pretty much settled into my new place, I have time to pop in to share a few of this year's Prince Edward Island vacation pictures with you! I had a bit of a rough time emotionally at the beginning of my vacation (running away from Fathers' Day by myself didn't work as well as I thought it would...), I enjoyed my vacation in general, which is not hard to do when you are in Prince Edward Island for a week and spoiled weather-wise!
My favorite place this time around was definitely the Greenwich Dunes section of Prince Edward Island National Park, which was right across from my cottage on St.Peter's Bay
Greenwich Dunes with the floating boardwalk in the distance
Sand dunes on Greenwich beach
If you would like to learn more about the Greenwich sand dunes, you can visit the pages dedicated to them on the Prince Edward Island National Park website here . I cannot recommend a visit to this area of PEI National park enough if you are ever on the island, it is a breathtaking place filled with hiking trails. Be warned though, there is only one washroom at the entrance to the park. I assumed there are more at the official entrance to the beach, but that is quite a long walk away once you are on the beach and to get there if you have used the trails to walk to the dunes you are looking at a good half hour. So be sure to used the washroom when you get to the entrance to the trails and ration your water use accordingly if you are like me and you need to go often. I found out about the single bathroom the hard way and have been warning everyone about it since then lol
Another favorite pastime of mine when I'm in Prince Edward Island is to go for drives along the island's scenic heritage roads. These are roads that have existed for over one hundred years and have been kept in their original condition in order to preserve some of the island's original character. They are wonderful to visit, but you do have to be careful not to drive over 20 kilometers per hour on them as they are dusty, narrow and often have ruts in them. I damaged the front right wheel well and bumper on my rental car on the old Princetown-Warburton road on my last full day of vacation and ended up having to be towed back to Charlottetown to get a second rental car after going through a rut at about 15 kilometers per hour. I was on a section of the road that I should not have been on though and that was only made for tractors, so it was my own fault for not paying more attention to the map.
Millvale historic road
Princetown-Warburton Road, well worth the insurance deductible :)
And lastly, I was in Prince Edward Island at the height of lupin season, much to my delight! My love affair with lupins began when I was very little and my mother read me the story of The Lupin Lady. My first lupins were brought to me by an elderly lady who owned a cottage by a lake here in Quebec that we used to rent every Summer. She brought them to us when she found out how fascinated I was by them and from that time on we have always had some in our gardens. I bought a small pouch of lupin seeds during my vacation and will be planting them in my garden here in the fall. I'm also contemplating planting a few seeds by my father's grave at the cemetery to see if they will grow. Can you imagine my delight though during my first visit to Prince Edward Island when I was 15 and we came across entire fields of late-blooming lupins? I was beyond thrilled and that is saying something for a blasé teenager!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Canada Day
Happy Birthday to my astonishing, diverse, beautiful country and Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadian! I'm so happy and proud to be Canadian, I wouldn't want to live in any other country and even if I ever do, I will still be Canadian right to my soul :)
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Just a quick note to let you all know that I'm back from my vacation. I have a bit of story to tell you about my second to last day on the island and some photos to show you as well, but all that is going to have yo wait for a bit since I am back at work and juggling my move as well, which is set for Friday of next week! So between packing boxes, making sure all my services (gas, electricity, cable) get shifted from my apartment to my house and trying to keep some time for my Sweetheart and I, blogging is going to have to wait for a bit.
Let me tell you though, I am very happy that I did not buy in a new condo or housing development. It has been my experience that new condos or houses always have some kinks to work out before they can truly be settled in to. My Grandparents, for example, bought a new house when they first moved to the Stated nearly 20 years ago. It was in a fancy new development in San Jose, California and it was a lovely home. However, when my grandparents moved in, it did not take them too long to realise that they had hot water coming into the toilet in the Master Bedroom!
As for my brother, he bought a brand new condo that he is moving into with girlfriend, or at least he was supposed to...His moved was supposed to take place at the end of April or early May (I don't remember which), but it was delayed a first time because the roof of the building was leaking right above his condo. My brother arranged to be compensated for the delay in the delivery of his home and he rescheduled his move for this Monday, but when he turned up in front of his new condo building with his girlfriend with their packed moving van, it turned out that their condo was not ready and the developer hadn't even bothered to let them know so they could reschedule their move! The developer ended up putting my brother and his girlfriend in another unit in the building that was not quite finished either, but that was still more functional than their own unit would have been. It didn't even have any kitchen counters yet!!! In the slight defense of the developer, there is a construction strike on which has delayed the delivery of new condos all over Montreal, but that does not in any way excuse the fact that he did not call my brother to let him know that his unit was not ready and that he should delay his move until it was!
Another case is my Sweetheart's sister whose new condo was delayed by over a year before she was able to move in and even once she did, there was still lots of work to be done on the landscaping and outside of the building which resulted in noise and inconvenience and on top of that, they started building the second phase of the condo project not even a year after she moved in, so even more dust and noise.
I'm not saying that moving into a new building is all bad, as my Sweetheart says there are advantages, but as for me I'm very happy to be moving into a building that has been around since 1927 and has long since worked out its kinks and that is in an area where no new construction is possible since in my mind one of the worst things that can happen is to be stuck with construction going on next to your home!
Monday, June 17, 2013
On vacation with no internet!
Monday, June 3, 2013
Final post-myomectomy update!
So, I'm back at work! I saw the doctor last Wednesday and he he said that things are looking really good, my incision scar looks excellent and my inside scarring is looking very good as well. He gave me the all-clear to go back to my regular activities, so I was back in the office this morning and back to jogging short distances (1.5 km versus the nearly four I was up to before my surgery) on Wednesday. I've also been lifting more and the increased activity is helping loosen up the last of my abdominal stiffness and get rid of the last of the twinges I was feeling, mostly when getting into my car. I'm hoping that being more active will also make my upcoming period easier since my first period after the surgery was very painful, probably because there was still so much healing going on. I did, however, bleed 75-80% less than before having the surgery, so I was very, very happy about that!
My final instructions from my ob/gyn were not to attempt to get pregnant for at least a year, but to not wait much longer than that either. Hmm...we'll see :) I'm just glad that I can have babies now as before it wasn't even an option. The other excellent news on that front is that despite the large size of the fibroid the doctor removed, my uterine wall held up (there was no gaping), so I will be able to have a natural birth as long as nothing else (like the baby being in a breech position or my cervix not dilating) indicates that I have a c-section. The doctor was quite impressed when my uterine wall held up as quite often women who have large fibroids removed require extensive uterine wall repair and therefore it is deemed safer for them to have c-sections for their births. I must say I am very glad that I have avoided that as recovering from this type of incision once is quite enough for me for now. I'm normally very active, so having my activities curbed for a month and a half was a bit of a challenge.
So there you have it, the end of my myomectomy journey! I hope that sharing my story will be helpful to women looking for first-hand information regarding abdominal myomectomy recovery, but once again, the best advice I can give is that if your doctor advises you to have a myomectomy, go for it! It may be a scary thought at first, but it is so, so worth it in the end because the relief from your fibroid symptoms will be instantaneous and really, the recovery is not that bad either because you feel a bit better every day :)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
The kitchen in my new home and Ottawa
If you are every planning a trip to the Montreal Area, I strongly recommend planning on taking a day to visit Ottawa as well. It is an easy two hour drive away at the most and there is plenty to do there. Byward Market is a must and a visit of the Parliament Buildings is fascinating as well. I took a tour of the buildings the first time I went to Ottawa and the architecture is very impressive as is the history of the building and government of Canada. A walk along the locks is also a lot of fun, especially if you happen to be there when there are boats being put through them! There are also plenty of museums to be visited in Ottawa as well as across in the river in Gatineau-Hull. I haven't visited any of them yet (it was way to nice out to be inside on Monday), but look forward to having the chance to do so soon.
That's it for now, thanks so much for all of your kind comments on my previous post! I'll be sure to let you know how my doctor's visit goes on Tuesday, whether I get the all clear and any final recommendations he gives me.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Spring seen through my new camera lens
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Fourth post-Myomectomy check-in and other news
It has now been three and a half weeks since my surgery and I am doing really, really well! I hardly have to take any Tylenol at all, am stretching more and more, have gone back to driving and am walking at my normal pace, which is quite speedy. I also went to the first half of my choir practice last night and felt no discomfort after an hour and a half of singing. I was feeling amazing when I got out of there and fully intend to do my full three hour practice next week!
As for my living situation, my Sweetheart helped me move back to my place on Sunday and I've been doing well on my own. I was rather sad and lonely and a bit insecure at first, but I got back into the swing of things quite quickly and am now feeling quite normal. It's also much quieter at my place than at my Sweetheart's since there is no construction site behind the bedroom window here. There are putting the second phase of a condominium project up right behind my Sweetheart's condo building and let me tell you that getting woken up at 7:00 A.M. every weekday morning by jackhammers, dump trucks and backhoes is not much fun and they keep at it until 3:00 P.M. except on Fridays when they stop at noon. They also take a coffee break at 9:00 A.M. until 9:20 A.M. and lunch from noon until 1:00 P.M. Yup, after three weeks I learned their schedule by heart! I also napped with the back door and window shut and my headphones in. No need for that at my place, my closed courtyard blocks out most of the traffic noise from the street, but then again I have not needed a nap since Saturday, which is another nice development and is more than likely due to the fact that I sleep a good two hours more in the morning without the construction noise and also since my Sweetheart doesn't wake me up by leaving for work.
My post-surgery recommendations for this week would be, once again, do not overdo it. I did overdo it on Sunday a bit by carrying some things, even though they were well under the 10 lb weight restriction, up the stairs to my apartment in order to help my Sweetheart. I then spent a good part of the afternoon walking around in the sun and heat house hunting. I was very, very swollen by the end of the day and rather discouraged. The swelling has gone back down to what it was on Saturday now, but if I had not overdone it it might be gone by now. Who knows? All I know was that I was kicking myself on Sunday night when I saw how swollen I was. So no matter how good your are feeling, obey your doctor's orders and the six week restrictions he gives you, even the pesky abstinence order!!! That is the other positive point to my being back home, my boyfriend and I were beginning to have serious issues keeping our hands off of each other. The first two weeks was not an issue, but by the end of the third when I was really getting back to normal it was getting rough. My apologies to anyone who thinks that might be TMI, but it's part of the road to recovery. No sex for six weeks and that's the end of it, nothing to be done and it is the hardest part. No house cleaning is nothing in comparison :J
On an entirely different subject, I AM BUYING A HOUSE!!! Well, it's actually an upper duplex here in my neighborhood, but it's the size of a small house and I am over the moon about it. I had been looking for a place for about two weeks and had visited nine places already in three neighborhoods and was getting discouraged because trust me folks, people ask crazy prices for complete and utter crap out there. I decided that what I really wanted was to stay in my current neighborhood. I really, really love it here, it's a great area, very safe, very quiet and also quite close to where I work. That meant broadening my financial horizons a bit though and I was comfortable with that because it is thanks to my father that I am able to finally buy a place and he would have wanted me to buy something that would make me happy and allow me to live in a nice, safe neighborhood. My father knows this neighborhood, he grew up in it and lived here all his life until my brother came along and he moved into the suburbs with my mother and I. So I upped my price range a bit and *poof* fell onto the perfect upper duplex that had only been on the market for two weeks. I pounced on it, sent the listing to my agent right away and asked him to arrange a visit for me yesterday. We went to see it with a friend of mine (always a good idea to visit houses with a second pair of eyes) and I had trouble containing my enthusiasm. We walked out, thanked the listing agent, let her leave and then I told my agent I wanted to make an offer. Yes, I was sure, yes, I was comfortable with being above my original budget, no, I did not want to wait for my Sweetheart to get back from his business trip to Niagara Falls because I was afraid I might lose the place if I waited until Wednesday or Thursday. Just put the offer in, man, put the offer in!!! So there you have it, my offer should be in by the end of the day and I should be moving in at some point in July. I am absolutely thrilled and I am sure my father is happy for me too, he approves of my choice, I can feel it. I will be posting pictures of the place once I am moved in and cannot wait for all of you to see it. It is so perfect, so me and I cannot believe it is going to be mine.
Thank you so much for looking after me Daddy, thank you a thousand times over. I just miss you so much and wish you could be here to help me and to pick up my moving van and drive it and help load it perfectly like you did for my two other moves. I just know that something will fall over in the truck because you weren't there to fit everything together like a perfect jigsaw puzzle. Hopefully Adam and Stéphane will be able to figure it out between them. Give them a nudge in the right direction, would you?
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Third post-Myomectomy check-in: out and about!
So, I am two weeks and one day out of my surgery and am feeling pretty darn good! I went for my first major outing by myself yesterday, walking to a mall that is about 5-10 minutes from my Sweetheart's place. I had lunch there, shopped around a little and then stopped in at the grocery store to get myself a little something for dinner and bouquet of flowers before coming back home. I felt great upon arriving back home, still full of energy and I was also feeling great this morning, so I decided to hop on the metro with my Sweetheart and a bunch of his family who were going to Sweetheart's parents' place for lunch. There was no room for me in the car at the other end, so I got off the metro at McGill and went shopping Downtown. After getting myself a new spring coat and a christening gift for Sweetheart's soon-to-be Godson (the ceremony is tomorrow afternoon), I walked along Ste-Catherine back to Guy metro and came home. I am very pleased with my progress and I should be back in my own apartment on Tuesday or Wednesday and also back to driving! I may see about taking AnnieG, my beloved VW GTI out for a spin tonight otherwise I'll give it a shot tomorrow.
On the medical front, things are going very well. I removed my steri-strips on Wednesday and the scabs are coming off of my incision very nicely. I now only occasionally feel a slight twinge from my inner stitches and I have not had any Naproxen since Wednesday and am therefore sleeping much better. My swelling is also still coming down and I am almost down to what I was before the operation. I find that my swelling goes down by a good notch the day following a nice, active day. I've even been able to wear my skinny jeans a few times, hurray! I wouldn't be able to do a full day in them though as I do get more swollen as the day goes on, which is perfectly normal. As for my scar, it is very, very thin and very pink. There is also a hard ridge underneath it, which is normal. I am also still quite numb between my belly button and my pubic bone, but even that is getting better.
So, recommendations for this stage of recovery: fight cabin fever!!! Even if you do not feel like going out for a walk, do it! You will feel much better afterwards because if you stay inside too much, you will get very bored, very frustrated and unhappy. I went through this about mid-way through this week and it was not fun. After pushing myself to go out though and seeing how well I felt afterwards, I made a point of going out a bit every day.
Also, if you feel the need to take a nap, do! If it is after 4:00 P.M. though, put an alarm on for a half hour or one hour at the most, otherwise you will have issues getting to sleep later on in the evening. This also happened to me this week. I fell asleep at about 3:30 P.M. on Wednesday and didn't wake up until 5:30 P.M.. I then had some pretty decent issues getting to sleep when we went to bed at 11:30 P.M. Oops :J
Finally, pace yourself. Just because I am feeling pretty amazing two weeks after my surgery doesn't mean you will. I am a fast healer and was in amazing shape going into my operation. I do encourage you to try and do a bit more every day. My big progress today was getting being able to stretch a bit when I woke up this morning and getting onto the metro (outside of rush hour and fairly early for a Saturday to make sure I could have a seat, you do not want to risk getting elbowed or knocked over). Doing something new every day will feel like winning a trophy, you'll see :)
That's it for now, I'll be in for another update next week! Until then, I hope you're enjoying Spring and the weekend!
Friday, April 19, 2013
Second post-myomectomy check-in!
So, I had my surgery exactly one week ago today and like clockwork there is a huge difference in my energy level today! I've been up since about 7:45 this morning (Sweetheart had to get up to go to work and I was starving so I got up as well) and have not had to go back to bed for a nap yet. I've laid down to read and watch a movie just so I don't overdo it, but have not felt sleepy at all, which is something because I've ended up having at least one or two naps a day since coming home from the hospital.
I've also started weaning myself off my prescription anti-inflammatory medication, Naproxen. I was able to skip a dose last night and only had half a pill this morning. I'm very happy about this because the medication had been giving my really, really odd dreams that bordered on nightmares, shortness of breath and possibly hot flashes as well, but those may also have been caused by my body working so hard on the healing process and the estrogen that was feeding the fibroid refocusing itself elsewhere. The jury is still out on that one, but I have been having fewer hot flashes since I've been cutting back on the Naproxen.
Also, my clips were removed yesterday and my incision is now covered with steri-strips which I was told I can remove next Thursday.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
First post-myomectomy check in!
So, I came through my surgery with flying colors and have been recovering very, very quickly! The entire surgery lasted under two hours, they took me in at 7:45 A.M. and I was wheeled into recovery at 9:20 A.M. after they removed one single but very large fibroid from the left hand side of my uterine lining. What happened to the other fibroids that were seen on my last ultrasound, I do not know. They may have disappeared when I stopped using progesterone cream or perhaps they were never there at all. They may have been an illusion created by how misshapen my uterus had become due to the size (think grapefruit on steroids) of the fibroid that has always been there, but the bottom line is that there being only one fibroid in there is a very good sign that my having a fibroid was more than likely a fluke and I will hopefully never have another. Typically fibroids that are caused by a serious hormone imbalance grow in abundance which is what I had been led to believe was my case, but apparently not, or at lease not anymore! Hooray!
No picture with this post because I am still very swollen from the surgery, but I can tell you that my incision is healing very well. The surgical staples are coming out on Thursday and I am moving around more and more easily every day. My Sweetheart and his family (sister and mother) are taking very, very good care of me and the only bothersome things I cannot do for myself right now are drive, put on my socks and dry myself off below my knees. That and I am doing everything I can to not sneeze or laugh. Laughing is quite painful so I dare not imagine what sneezing would be like!
My recommendations so far for any ladies out there who are going to be going through this surgery are to do your core strengthening exercises for a good two months beforehand if you can! I'm pretty sure they're part of the reason I am recovering so quickly and also have so little pain. Also, be warned that you will be very, very gassy for a few days after your surgery and this will not get better until after you have had a few bowel movements. If you want this go quickly for you, leave off the morphine as soon as you are able, drink loads and loads of water to flush it out of you system and WALK, like lots and lots. You will heal more quickly if you do and once the gas starts walking will help it pass. You may think this is TMI, but you will thank me fore telling you about it if you ever need the info. As of Saturday night I have been taking Naproxen for pain and the stuff works great and has no undesirable side-effects as far as I can tell. Take the oral painkillers they give you once you are off the morphine and do not look back unless you make a false move, laugh too much or, God forbid, sneeze.
That's it for now, I'm off to wash so dishes and then hop back into bed with my book. I'll be back with another post as soon as I feel I can offer more useful information and also an inspiring 'after picture'. Let me tell you though, if you are considering a myomectomy because your fibroids are making your life miserable, do not hesitate, just go for it! The relief of the fibroid symptoms after the surgery is instant and amazing, you will absolutely never regret it!
Monday, April 8, 2013
Pre-myomectomy picture
Hi folks,
It's taken me a lot of guts to post this picture, not because I think I look bad, but because I'm afraid of the opposite type of comments, the "Oh my God, this woman is faking it, her problem isn't that bad, look how tiny her midriff is!". Do not let the degree of swelling around my waistline deceive you folks, believe me when I tell you there is a doozy of a fibroid (soft ball to grapefruit sized) in there along with a collection of others, all of which I am having my OB/GYN evict on Friday. The largest fibroid is in the lining of my uterus on the left hand side and, as I have said before, is squishing my bladder and putting pressure on the lower part of my spine, causing pain right before my period. I also have abnormal swelling right before my period (the photo is me at my slimmest a few days after the end of my cycle, taken this evening and also after two months of intense core muscle strengthening in preparation for my surgery). I also have been suffering from gradually increasing menstrual flow for the past year, so really, it's time for these fibroids to go, especially if my Sweetheart and I want to be able to have babies any time in the near (within the next few years) future.
So there you have it, I've decided to share my story on here because really, there are so few ressources out there for women suffering from fibroids. I've looked and looked and aside from ge eric medical texts, I've found very few testimonies from women who have dealt with fibroids and had them removed, especially women my age in Canada who have gone through this recently. It think this is because A: not many women my age have fibroids that need to be removed B: it takes a lot of courage to talk about this type of problem because people often look at you with pity when you do and that feels crappy and C: it can be embarrassing. I realise that I am very fortunate to not be more visibly swollen than I am. God gave me a uterus that is tilted towards the back. If it was tilted forwards I would look like I was almost five months pregnant.
I sincerely hope that women who suffer from fibroids will find my fibroid posts (I will be posting at least one or two after my surgery) and that they will find them helpful and comforting. In the mean time, please send positive thoughts and prayers to my Sweetheart and for the road ahead and also healing thoughts and prayers for me.
Lux aeterna - John Rutter
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Happy Easter!
Thursday, March 14, 2013

One of my cousins posted this on Facebook and I had to share it. I am the chicken. I wish I was the tiger so I could kick some butt, but right now I am definitely the chicken. I have to laugh about it, otherwise I would cry.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
I'm still here
I'm popping in to give you some sign of life! I'm still struggling with everything that's going on in my life. I had a very rocky week last week and suffered from an emotional crash and burn after my birthday once my Sweetheart was gone. I went from an emotional high to a major low and was just getting over it when there was a major family crisis this week. Definitely not cool. I'm therefore taking it as easy as I can this week and am hoping for an easier time this coming week.
My Sweetheart may or may not be coming home during the night Thursday into Friday, it remains to be seen. I was supposed to find out yesterday, but when I called him he was at a service station somewhere and I was not able to call him back. I'll find out today, but at this point, one week more without him will not make a huge difference since he's already been gone so long. His visit to Montreal for my birthday went by so quickly it felt like a blink. we saw each other every day while he was here, which was amazing, but since he's gone back we've had a hard time communicating because I'm back at work full time and it is a very busy time for me right now and also the cell phone and Internet signals over in my Sweetheart's neck of the woods have not been as strong. He's also been moving around in Haiti a lot more going to other work sites and to the beach for one night. Basically, he's been all over the map because the aid organization he works for when he is not working on the school now knows that he is there so they have been taking him to visit their work sites.
Anyhow, if he and I are lucky, he'll be able to come home this week, otherwise I'll be on my own for a bit longer. At this point, all I can say is 'meh', which is my reaction to a lot of stuff right now. I had to spend an hour and twelve minutes on the phone to cancel my father's cell phone service and get my phone off of his corporate account and onto my own? Meh, it had to get done. I'm having surgery in a month which will require a lengthy recovery? Meh, it has to get done. I may have to tough it out on my own for another week without my Sweetheart? Meh, he'll come home eventually. I'm feeling very blase about everything? Meh, I assume I'll return to my cheerful self eventually. Sooner rather than later I hope, because feeling 'meh', is not very fun. I know this will take time though, I'm not kidding myself about that anymore and I also know that I may never feel quite the same again. I will always have an empty spot inside me. I will always miss my father and I will always feel cheated that he passed away so soon. You don't miss someone who passes away right away you know. It creeps up on you the longer they're gone. It doesn't hit you right away that they're gone forever, but when it does the pain is terrible. You want a hug from them, but you can't have it. You want to pick up the phone and call them, but you can't. You want to have a conversation with them, but you can't. It is very hard.
I'll try and pop by again soon and let you know how I'm doing and if my Sweetheart has come home or not, but in the mean time I will continue trying to keep up with your blogs when I can. Thanks for sticking with me, even though my posts are not as chipper as they used to be. Once my surgery is out of the way, I'll be able to plan some vacation time with my Sweetheart (we've been talking about Paris!) so that will give me something more fun to focus on and tell you guys about!
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Lunch in Paris and grief
Saturday, February 16, 2013
My father's guitar
Hi everyone,
So, things are slowly easing into a new kind of normal for me. I went back to work this week for half days. I had a bit of a false start on Monday, but I worked Tuesday to Thursday. I have three more half days next week, Monday through Wednesday and then Thursday and Friday I will try to work all day and see how it goes. I've done okay so far, but I am very up and down emotionally (typically one day up, one day down, today was an up day) and get tired very easily and from what I've been told things may be like this for a while. I got quite frustrated by it all on Thursday, but then discovered that it was just because I needed a good cry which was something I hadn't had in days.
I do have a few things to look forward to which have been helping me get through the days, one of which was my mission to go and get my father's guitar out of his house so I can learn how to play it. I pulled that off today and am very happy to now have it in my living room. I will work on learning how to play chords first and my goal is to eventually be able to play the 2nd movement of Vivaldi's guitar concerto in D major. My father was given his guitar by a priest he was friends with when he was little, but he never learned to play it. My aunt and uncle had it restored for him this Christmas, it had been sleeping in one of their closets for years and they thought that giving it to him with a book to teach him how to play it would give him a hobby and maybe help him work through his depression. My father was very moved by their gift, but never took the guitar home with him. It still needed to have its neck straightened so my aunt and uncle took it to a luthier (string instrument creator and 'doctor') and did not have the chance to take it back to him before he passed away. That's why, since I am my father's musical child (I inherited my musical ability from him), I have made it a goal to learn how to play the guitar since he never had the chance to.
The other thing I've been looking forward to is my Sweetheart coming home. He will be here on Tuesday, his flight is getting in at 8:35 P.M. if all goes well which it hopefully will. Tuesday happens to be my birthday, so after everything that has happened lately I could not ask for a better gift than finally, finally having my Sweetheart with me. I will be picking him up from the airport, which will be a first for me. Of all the times my Sweetheart has traveled, he has always come home during my work hours or in the middle of the night, so I have never been able to pick him up. I am absolutely thrilled that I will be able to do so this time :)
That's all my news for this week, I'll try and drop by again next week, but since my Sweetheart will be home and I will have birthday celebrations nearly all weekend, I might be a bit late on my next post!