Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My favorite :)

So after a week of listening to the Breaking Dawn (part2) soundtrack (on and off, I do have over a day and half of music on my iPod, so I rarely listen to just one album, most of the time I turn it on, hit shuffle and off I go), here is my favorite song from it. All of the music is quite good, but this is the one song that I still listen to twice in a row before moving on. Let me know what you think of it if you decide to give it a listen :)

On another note, my Sweetheart has been home since Thursday. We were happy as could be to be reunited on Friday, even though my poor Sweetheart was of course still a bit jet lagged and suffering from the tail end of a case of food poisoning he got from his first class meal on the flight from Luanda, Angola to Amsterdam. He was lucky he didn't eat the fish, because his business partner, E, and another engineer who worked with them in Angola did and they got even sicker. So never let it be said that the food is better in first class, that is a myth!

Sweetheart did not get as much time together as we would have liked since he and E had a bit of work to catch up on on Saturday morning, but we should be getting together again either tonight or tomorrow. We just can't get enough of talking with each other or spending time together, I could hear my Sweetheart grinning through the phone when we talked during my break at choir practice last night and I naturally grinned right back. We're like a couple of kids when he gets back from long trips like this, it's quite something to see :)

Not too much else going on right now aside from work and my being in concert with my choir this coming weekend. It should be quite a nice show, I'm looking forward to it!

On that note, I hope you're all doing well and that all of my American readers have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family and friends this Thursday, just be safe if you go shopping on Friday, I couldn't believe it when I read that there were already people camping out in front of stores to take advantage of the sales that don't start until FRIDAY!!! That's pretty nuts.

I'll try and pop in again soon, but I'm quite liking this weekly blogging format, it's much easier than trying to get a post up every day!


  1. sorry your sweetie is feeling so ill. glad you'll be visiting the quilt... you can share your offering of gratitude in the comment box beneath the post... always so much to be grateful for.

  2. Karine, it's so nice to be able to catch up on your news this evening! I'm so glad you and your sweetheart are enjoying much deserved time together, I just hope he is feeling better!!
