Sooooo, after months of cold and snow, Spring seems to finally be here (touch wood). Almost all the snow has melted, the grass has started to go just a little bit green in some some places and LOOK! There are things GROWING!!! Impossible to tell yet whether these are tulips or daffodils, but that was of little importance to me when I spotted them on the way out of work at job #2 this afternoon. I was just happy to see things coming back to life after months and months of cold and promptly began looking for buds of every tree and shrub I passed. Unfortunately I didn't see any, not that I was too surprised, but I promise to keep an eye on these flowers and let you know as soon as they're identifiable :o)
Here's another thing about Spring: the weather clears up incredibly quickly! This is what the Oratory looked like this morning when I showed up for work. Yikes, eh? This is actually quite a common sight when it's cloudy and either raining or has rained. The Oratory is the highest point in Montreal, so it doesn't take much to hide it from view when there are clouds around. It looks like this at least once a month and is partly cloud covered at least two or three times a month. It's still very impressive to see such a huge building practically hidden by the clouds though, it still gets me every time and I'm glad that I finally managed to get a picture of it!
Here's another fun picture I took Downtown this afternoon. I just love how you can get awesome shots like this thanks to skyscrapers, you canget such amazing reflections out of them, and you can see how, as I said, the weather can change very quickly here in the Spring. The skies cleared out like this about a half hour after I got that picture of the Oratory. Pretty amazing, eh? I was sure it was going to cloudy and misty at least until the afternoon!
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