Monday, December 19, 2011

Today I...december 19th

Today I... back! sharing this video of the choir of New College Oxford's singing the Rocking Carol with all of you. It has always been one of my favorite Christmas Carols and the choir of New College is another one of my favorites! I don't know about those ruffs on their cassocks though, they just don't look very comfy in my opinion. happy to report that last Thursday's concert went even better than our first one. also happy to report that I have all of my Christmas shopping and wrapping done! feeling more relaxed than last week. getting hugely eager for my Sweetheart to get home! He'll be back on Wednesday :o) looking forward to Friday at 4:30 P.M. when I will walk out of the office for two whole weeks!

...can't believe I made it through the past three weeks, what a rough go of it I've had!

...found out that my apartment building was sold and that my former landlord seems to still have some part in the running of the place since my rent checks have to be made out to someone else and mailed to the new owner??? I don't get it and I am NOT HAPPY about it! I'm afraid of a rent hike and lost checks and what will happen to the building! What if the new owner decides to make condos out of it and evicts us all??? I'm in one of the last conveniently placed, well maintained, cat friendly and affordable places in my neighborhood!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Karine, dear the "what if's" are so scary, and they grip on to us, it is hard to pull those icy fingers of fear off...but you can, and life will unfold as it is meant to. All will be well, you'll see. Merry Christmas:-)
