Today I... not feeling so great. I have a weird headache, I think it's from spending too much time leaning my head in my hands during a meeting this morning. A two and a half hour meeting. I really hate meetings, especially our bi-weekly departmental meeting which is always too long and incredibly boring and apparently hazardous to my health :ox
...had a bit of soup when I got home to see if my headache was getting worse because I was so hungry. I think it may have been, but the jury's still out on that.
...finished coping all of my contacts from my Yahoo mail account to my Gmail account. I started shifting all of my stuff from one account to another yesterday when I went into my Yahoo account to discover that it had 'eaten' the two e-mails I had left in my inbox and had sent everything from my 'keep' folder into the trash bin. I was not impressed and fished everything that had been in my 'keep' folder out of the trash and sent it back where it belonged and then promptly sent an e-mail to all my contacts telling them that they could now only contact me through my Gmail address. I had been having a few issues with Yahoo lately, namely messages not reaching their destinations and yesterday's fiasco was the cherry on the sundae.
...printed out a series of e-mails my Sweetheart had sent me that I had found particularly touching and added them to the folder of similar e-mails of his I keep. Yes, people do still keep their old love letters :o) looking forward to beginning the little face lift I want to give my apartment. I was getting tired of it and the rent went up which made the situation worse, so after talking with my Sweetheart on the weekend and thinking about our conversation, I decided that the thing to do was to clear out some clutter, ask for a new bedding ensemble for my birthday and some new towels and other little home decor odds and ends and give the place a few touch ups! I have been feeling very good about all this since making the decision and am looking forward to the finished product!
make sure you take before and after photos....