Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hi everyone!

So in my post from yesterday I mentioned going to the Botanical Gardens to see the annual lantern show and I promised pictures, so here I am today with them. As you can see, they aren't your standard paper lanterns :o)

This lantern show runs every year from the end of September to October 31st and the lanterns are different every year. If ever you're in Montreal during that time frame, be sure and check it out if you have a chance, it's well worth it, even if you do have to wait in line for a while. If you can, make it to the gardens at the end of the afternoon so that you're there at dusk because the longest waiting times come after dinner.


  1. Hi! Great shots of the lanterns! I was there (Montreal) two weeks ago, but didn't make it to the display. Darn!! They're gorgeous
