Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Not so quiet, but that's okay :o)

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had an amazing weekend :o) As for me, it was a Holiday weekend in Canada, we had our Thanksgiving which is one of my favorite Holidays because it's in early fall I love all the sights and smells that go with it! The colorful leaves in the trees and on the ground, the damp, earthy smell and the smell of smoke coming from chimneys. When I was in elementary and high school, Thanksgiving was also often synonymous with not a three, but a four day weekend since the school commission tended to tack a PD day onto the Friday before Thanksgiving Monday on top of the Monday that was already off for the Holiday and then when I outgrew those in Cegep and University I would often tack the extra day on Myself and take off to go and spend the Holiday in Toronto with my aunt and cousins. I did that last year, but this year I stayed here and spent it with my father's side of the family. We had ourselves a wonderful turkey dinner followed by pumpkin pie for dessert and shared a lot of laughs. As for the rest of my weekend it was pretty busy with errands to run on Saturday during the day and then a visit to Montreal's lovely Botanical Gardens to see the lantern exhibit in the Chinese Gardens. I had to stand in line for 45 minutes to get in, but it was well worth the wait, I'll get some pictures up soon for you guys to see. Then on Sunday before heading out to my family dinner I spent the morning on Skype with my best friend in Switzerland and then the better part of the the early afternoon on Skype with my Sweetheart checking out a website he had built for himself on Saturday and then purchasing a train ticket for my visit to him this coming weekend. It was a very spur of the moment purchase because we weren't sure if he was heading off to Mexico for a week or not until Friday and then I had to see if there were still train tickets left or not before getting back to him. Needless to say I am thrilled to be going to see him! Then yesterday I had to head out to the Western tip of the city for an appointment and I went to visit my mother at the same time since she had movie passes for my Sweetheart and I for this weekend and she also had some clothes she wanted me to look at and see if I wanted. She pretty much replaced her entire wardrobe a few weeks ago and put aside some of her old clothes that she thought I might like and I came out of it with three new sweaters and a new shirt, plus I of course left her house with food. A visit to mom's house is never complete unless I leave there with food :o) So with the leftovers from Sunday's Thanksgiving dinner from my aunt, plus some spaghetti sauce and homemade ketchup from my grandmother and the stuff from my mom, it's safe to say that I will not be needing to go grocery shopping this week and maybe not even next week!

So yes, my weekend was quite busy and I came out of it kind of tired because I didn't get to bed at a decent hour one single night out of it, but that's okay, because I had a good time :o) Now, I'll just have to try and be good and go to bed relatively early (meaning 11:30 P.M. at the latest) this week so I won't get to Toronto all wiped out because that just wouldn't do :o)

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