Sunday, February 26, 2012

Today I...February 26th

Today I... resurfacing for the second time. I've been run through the emotional wringer this past week and have not felt much like blogging at all, but I have done my best to keep up with your blogs.

...spent a large part of afternoon out and about in Old Montreal taking pictures. It was very therapeutic, although a bit chilly. Before I went out though, I took this picture of my two lovely ladies, Quinn and Magique, on my bed. I seem to recall someone (Kim?)mentioning that my new duvet cover looked rather barren without them when I posted a photo of it a week or two ago, so I had to remedy that :o) sharing these two photos I took at the Sulpicien Seminary on Notre-Dame Street with you. The Fathers left their front gate open today, so I couldn't resist going through and taking a few photos there.

Can you see the sparrows in the shrub?

I'm going to try my best to blog more this week. I'm feeling quite a bit better, so I should be able to get another post up on Tuesday, unless my Sweetheart comes over of course :o)


  1. Sorry to hear you've had a rough time. I hope you're feeling a bit better. These are lovely snow shots - all light and fluffy and sunny.

  2. beautiful photos Karine...I hope you start feeling better soon.
