Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Today I...February 8th

Today I... sharing this wonderful jazz singer I discovered yesterday. As you can see from the album cover, her name is Emilie-Claire Barlow and she's Canadian!!! That's always a big plus for me :o) I'm mostly a classical music fiend, but really, I'll listen to just about anything and quite enjoy jazz of this kind. She actually reminds me of Diana Krall, for any of you who know of her.

...had a good day at work.

...went out to run a few errands after work, namely to use an SAQ (Quebec liquor commission, like the LCBO in Ontario. Basically a store that sells nothing but booze) gift card that my mom gave me for Christmas to get myself a half bottle of Grand Marnier. I wanted a full size bottle, but had no clue that the stuff was so darn expensive!!! This shows you how often I buy booze :oJ

...popped into Renaud-Bray (French language equivalent of Chapters, Indigo or Barnes and Noble)to get a Valentine's Day gift for my Sweetheart and walked out of there 84$ and small change later with my Sweetheart's gift and card plus an absolutely perfect picture frame for my apartment sprucing up project. It's actually a collection of frames put together to for a big one, so I'll be able to fill it with a whole variety of my pictures. It's going to go above my couch in the living room, I can't wait to set it up! hoping to get started on my sprucing up project Friday night or Saturday during the day :o)And yes Gill, I will try and post before and after pictures!


  1. glad about that Karine!!!

    I never go into the LCBO either so no idea how much booze is.....

    Love Chapters and I find it fatal if I walk in there, as I want everything I see!!!

