Today I... sharing this picture of my choir performing in our concert on December 11th. One of my parents took this photo, but I don't know which of them. Rehearsals are starting up again tomorrow, our three week break sure went by quickly! lots and lots done! I did the laundry, vacuumed, took down the Christmas decorations (they go up the first weekend of Advent and come down a day or two after Epiphany at place), took a two hour break to watch a movie, then went to the grocery store and walked there and back. I normally take the bus back from the grocery store, but I just missed one as I came out of the store and since my bags weren't too heavy, I walked home. feeling very energetic today! Good thing, eh? very much looking forward to a new episode of Pan Am tonight, it's been over a month since it's been on! letting you all know that I have a very busy week ahead, so I don't know how much I'll be able to post. I have choir practice tomorrow night, my Sweetheart is coming over on Tuesday night, I'm supposed to go out for sushi with V on Wednesday night, I have an appointment on Thursday night and a dinner at work on Friday night. As I said, it's a good thing I'm feeling energetic and well rested after my two weeks off, because I think I'm gonna need it! I will post as much as I can though, I promise :o)
enjoy your week and all you extra activities....
Your week sounds like a busy one--You're right being rested up at the start of it will really make a difference! Enjoy your week!!!