Today I...
...hear from my Sweetheart. He and E went from Montreal to New York on a Delta flight instead of United airlines yesterday due to their flight being delayed. They flew around in circles above NYC for an hour due to fog without being able to land, so they spent two hours on the ground at the next airport where they could land. They were then cleared to go into NYC, but once they got there, there were no more flights leaving for Haiti that day, so they ended up flying into Miami instead to spend the night there to be closer to Haiti in the morning and then got on the first flight out of there to Port-Au-Prince. I say again...My Sweetheart = champion of crazy travel stories. sharing this photo of daffodils that I took a few years back with all of you since it is my one of my favorite Springtime shots and we have had such lovely Spring, or actually closer to Summer, weather here these past few days. It got up to 25 degrees Celsius here today, amazing!!!
...wishes that it had not gotten up to 26.5 degrees in my office today. Corner offices with a lovely view do have a downside: when it gets hot out before the heating is shut down and the AC is turned on, it's like working in a greenhouse: incredibly hot and steamy, even with the blinds down. very much looking forward to my three day weekend, since I am very tired. I have been forgetting and misplacing all sorts of things in the past few days, something that only ever happens to me when I'm overly tired. So rest I shall this weekend and will hopefully be back to normal this coming Monday and be able to comment on your blogs more regularly, but for now I'm happy just to be able to get posts up! letting you all know that I will not be posting tomorrow due to an extra choir practice my director added to our schedule. I'll be back on Friday :o)
Such a beautiful composition and photo.