...am happy that I have the time and stamina to post, because boy, have I had two crazy days at work!!! That is why I am sharing this very laid back, soothing picture of Quinn with you, since just looking at her in this photo makes me feel so relaxed.
...feel like I have been on the go since Monday morning. I was running around at work all day yesterday and today and it will probably be like this for the next few weeks, so please, bare with me if I don't have the time to make it to your blogs or if I skip a day of posting here and there.
...am asking you to pray for a miracle for my colleague L. For those of you who didn't see my original post about her, she is our director of communications and she was diagnosed with liver cancer about a month ago. They ran some tests to see the seriousness of her condition and to find out if the cancer had spread and the news is not good and her doctors have decided that the only thing they can do for her is to keep her as comfortable as possible. Please, pray for her to feel as well as possible for as long as possible and pray for a miracle for her. Words cannot describe what a kind, loving person L is and we would so love for her to get well and come back to work with us so she can greet us with a smile again every time she sees us...even if we cross her path 10 times a day.
...am so very much looking forward to my mini vacation at my Sweetheart's next week. I have my friend V lined up for pet-sitting duties and have planned out a birthday surprise for my Sweetheart (who naturally does not read here, so no, I have not just spilled the beans ;o) ). Yup, it will be just what I need to help me get through the Christmas Rush at work!
sending prayers for Lis and here's hoping her last days on this earth are filled with peace and are pain free.