...am sharing this photo of part of the Fall stock at the outdoor market at Mount Royal metro station. You know Fall is near when they bring out the Squash and chrysanthemums!
...am quite tired! I was at my Sweetheart's last night and his neighbor played a very loud video game late into the night! If he had been my neighbor I would have gone over and knocked on the the door to ask him to turn his blasted volume down, but my Sweetheart said he never answers when he knocks on his door, even when he's not playing a video game.
...had a good laugh when my Sweetheart told me this morning that he dreamed that we were using his GPS to track my grandparents during their current vacation. We spent all evening trying to get his new GPS working...hence the dream. Although in his dream my Grandparents were on a cruise to England which had to detour to Bahamas, not on their actual European bus tour. Not bad eh? I dunno which I would have picked, but the Bahamas with my Sweetheart sounds pretty good this time of year lol
...am looking forward to the season premieres of CSI NY and Blue Bloods!
I haven't bought any mums this year, but do have a couple in my garden. I love the Fall colours.