Today I...
...thought it was still the weekend when I woke up. That was kind of harsh.
...had a relatively quiet day at work. my grocery shopping done. I very, very rarely do my groceries during the week anymore, but I had a pretty busy weekend with Mother's Day yesterday and my appointment on Saturday, so I wasn't able to squeeze the grocery shopping in. glad I get to sleep in until 8:15 A.M. tomorrow (it should be noted that 8:15 A.M. only counts as sleeping in for me on weekdays, otherwise it has to be at least 9:00 A.M.). The reason behind, my having at 10:00 A.M. appointment for my second dose of Hep. A&B vaccine is not very fun, but I think that a needle in the arm is a fair exchange for an extra hour and quarter of sleep.
...would gladly exchange a second needle in the arm for not having to go into work at all tomorrow since the rest of my work day will be overtaken by a very long, very dull meeting. Metings are the one thing I really, really dislike about my job. I can put up with everything else including difficult tour organizers, but the meetings? Ugh...I would do just about anything to get out of them!
Isn't it amazing how we view sleeping in differently from when we were younger? For me, years ago, sleeping in was getting up at noon. Now I am thrilled if I can sleep till 8 a.m.!