Today I...
...am sharing this photo of the strawberry heart my Sweetheart made for me on Valentine's Day this year. I shared it with you already
in this post, but I just spent a lovely evening with my Sweetheart, so I figured I would share it with you again :o)
...woke up at 11:00 A.M. Yes, I had the day off, it's one of my two 'Recovering from the Canonization' days off, my next one is on December 3rd. It felt lovely to be able to sleep in so late.
...made a creamy wild rice pilaf in my slow cooker.
...went to Indigo Books Downtown and bought two books, Ken
Follett's new one 'Fall of Giants' and another entitled 'The Postmistress' by Sarah Blake. I'm starting off with 'The Postmistress' because the Ken
Follett book is massive (932 pages) and I didn't want to go through it wondering about 'The Postmistress'.
...ended up rushing home from the bookstore because I happened to open my e-mails while there and saw that my Sweetheart had sent me a message at 4:00 P.M. telling me that he finished work at 5:00 P.M. and would be coming straight to my place after. The thing was that I red his message at 5:10 P.M.!!! I was on the phone with my dad at the time and
literally ended up saying 'Oh damn, I have to go!!!' I was stepping out of the subway 10 minutes from my place at 5:40 P.M. and calling my Sweetheart right away, I was so worried I had missed him! He didn't pick up, so I left him a message and he called me back right away telling me that he had gotten held up at work for a bit, so he was only leaving then. Phew!
...am now so looking forward to my visit to my Sweetheart's in precisely 27 days.