Friday, April 1, 2011

Today I...April 1st

Today I... sharing this picture of Quinn with you. My Sweetheart and I hit a rough spot this week and as always, I was a mess because of it. Quinn is very sensitive to my being upset and she was lovely with me, coming to curl up beside me so I could pet her when I was upset. Thank heavens for pets, they bring so much to the lives of those who love them.

I never place the blame solely on one of us when there is a problem between my Sweetheart, even if I never become upset unless provoked. The problem in this case is that my Sweetheart did something to set me off and I was hurt and frightened and let my emotions get the better of me. Instead of calmly asking him questions about what he did, I flipped out and of course by the time I realized I had done something wrong, it was too late to undo it. Luckily, I am much calmer today after having a very rough two days. I had a good cry yesterday to get everything out of my system and then I wrote to my Sweetheart to apologize for overreacting the way I did and we were teasing each other by e-mail this morning so I'm pretty sure we are okay again.

...letting you all know that through all of this, we got our new vacation destination set up. We will be going to Los Angeles for a week in early May. We are still going to have to iron out some details, but our flights are set up and all we have to do now is pick our hotel. so glad that the weekend is here after what has been a rough week.


  1. every relationship has its ups and downs, hopefully he'll make it up to you this weekend,


  2. ahh, well, listening and then waiting to respond...these are skills that took me a long time to learn but have served me well in my nearly 23 years of marriage...hang in there.

  3. I agree with Gill--After 29 years of being married, my husband and I still have the same thing happen to us. I'm very quick to react instead of showing restraint in what I'm thinking. In those times afterwards, you are right it's good to have a 4 legged family member there for us to comfort us and not judge us...I hope you're having a good weekend Karine, and that the stress and happenings of the week are behind you!!
