Sunday, July 3, 2011

Today I...July 3rd

Today I... sharing a few photos from my Grandma G's 80th birthday party with you all.

The party was a surprise that my aunt had been planning for six months now and it was a great success. She gathered up my grandma's only sister and two remaining brothers and their children and grandchildren and we all got together for a barbecue yesterday. My brother and I hardly knew anyone there though as out of the 30 of us there, 23 people had either never met us or had only ever seen us once when we were babies or not much more than that. It was very nice to get to meet so much of our family and I hope we can have another family gathering soon!

...went to visit V's cat for the second day in a row. I have been looking after her this weekend as V and her boyfriend are away. She is a very sweet 17 year-old cat and we both get along very well. I felt sad leaving her today though as she followed me all the way to the door and meowed as I left, but I needed to get back to my place in time to buy some canned food for my two felines before the store closed!

...was hoping to see P and A, but our schedules just weren't fitting today since she didn't want to come out my way and I was going to be out her way while she and A were napping. Oh well, maybe later this week.

...answered the e-mail that my Sweetheart sent me yesterday. I wanted to wait until today to answer so that I could send him pictures of my Grandma's birthday party! I can't for him to be home on Thursday, I feel like he's been gone for ages! quite enjoying the lovely, warm weather :o)


  1. Happy Birthday to your Grandma. Lovely blog.

  2. Hello Karine!! How could I have missed your blog the past week--The new puppy is taking away from my blog reading time!! :-))

    But I've once again enjoyed catching up on your blog--I don't know where to start, but I'm so glad that your drain is FINALLY fixed, and how fun to have new dishes (I LOVE dishes!) and your sweetheart will be home in just a few days, it IS time for him to return!! And along with 'old dogs' I love old cats too, there's just something so regal about them, don't you think?

    The party looks lovely as well! I've been at parties with family members too, and haven't been sure who they are--In fact, I have a couple 'friends' on facebook that I know I'm related to, but I'm afraid to ask how...

    I hope you're enjoying your day!!!
