Friday, July 8, 2011

Today I...July 8th

Today I... sharing these picture of some of the yummy food the caterer served up at my Grandmother's 80th birthday party last week.

...had another relatively quiet day at work.

...spoke with my Sweetheart after work, much to my delight. I actually called him twice, once to tell him that my brother had two free tickets to the U2 concert tonight. I hung up with him to find out how I could pick up the tickets from his friend who was already waiting to get into the concert, but he told me that his friend had already given the tickets to someone on the concert site. UGH!!! I was soooo disappointed!!! Not only did I spend 10 lovely minutes thinking that I was going to get to see U2 after all, but I was downright euphoric at the idea of seeing them with my Sweetheart. My brother said that he would try and see if he could find us something else for tomorrow night's concert, but I'm not too hopeful because pretty everything that is available is an inhumane price. The one's for tonight were freebie because my brother's friend had bought them to sell them, but wasn't able to get rid of them before the show. Also, my Sweetheart's niece is being Christened on Sunday and they are getting things ready for the Christening tomorrow so the odds of him being free in the evening are minimal. Oh yeah, he's also jet lagged out of his brain. When I called him this evening at 5:45, he was half asleep. Poor Sweetheart, I just hope he woke up to eat though, otherwise he's never going to get rid of the jet lag!

...will be seeing P and A tomorrow, hooray! looking forward to speaking with my Sweetheart again on Monday and hopefully seeing him at that point!


  1. Hope it all works out for you!

  2. Food looks yummy. Bummer about the U2 tickers.

    Darryl and Ruth :)

  3. Hello Karine!! The food looks really delicious!! But I'm so sorry you didn't get to go to the concert...I hope your sweetheart is all caught up on his rest and I hope your weekend is ending on a good note!! :-)
