Sunday, June 24, 2012

Coca Cola Security Cameras

A friend of mine from work shared this on his Timeline and I fell for it right off the bat, so I just had to share it with all of you :o)


  1. That's nice of you to share this, Karine. CCTVs are mainly used to monitor and investigate accidents or crimes around the city. However, these incidents in the video are totally different. It's kinda heartwarming to know that people like them are doing a good deed without asking for anything in return. The video is right. It’s time we look at our world in a different way. :)

  2. I smiled at the very first time I saw this video. I agree with Harvey, we should start looking at our world differently every once in a while. Doing that could make us feel safe, or even be inspired by the good these people do. CCTVs are not only used to watch out for lawbreakers, they’re also out there to capture the random acts of kindness that we rarely ever see. In a world full wherein we only see a lot of tragedy on the news, some good news could really go a long way.

  3. I’ve seen this Coca Cola commercial on Tumblr and I reblogged it right after I watched it. I mean this ad is worth sharing. When other people see this, it will definitely put a smile on their faces. :)
