For those of you who don't normally read my blog, I have a daily (99% of the time, at least!) feature called 'Today I...'. I'm merging it with my Skywatch post today because I'm moving tomorrow and Saturday and don't have time to type up two separate posts. If you enjoy this feature, please, feel free to become and follower and check back daily to see what I've been up to during the day, or at least what I find is worthy of your attention or not too embarrassing to share with the general public.
Today I...
...had trouble getting up this morning and was pretty grumpy until I'd been at work for a good half hour. Then I was snapped out of it by C's humorous antics.
...tried to figure out how the dividing up of 208 people, 201 of which were 15-16 year olds, into seven different tour groups became such a mess. Now really, how could handling that many people go awry? Honestly, it was a combined effort, but was mostly spurred into motion by one tour guide who was most certainly not in charge of the situation (I was the one who was wearing that hat and have been all week) trying to take charge of it. Unfortunately, my boss hat comes with an 'It's all my fault' sign on it automatically, which all boss hats do come from, She was my employee and she messed it up so I apologized all over myself for her, but fortunately the organizer was very kind and was basically of the opinion that if the worst thing that happened to his field trip was that it took 15 minutes to split his big group into little groups instead of five minutes, it was all good. Thank God he was a friendly tour organizer and not a cranky one.
...was thankful that the tour organizer was of the same opinion as me with regards to his students not wearing jackets when their school uniforms have short sleeves and the girls' uniforms have short sleeves, knee length (when not rolled at the waist, which is rare) kilts and knee high socks. If they freeze their little butts off while standing around outside for 15 minutes, that's their problem. Maybe they'll wear jackets next time :o)
...had an absolutely mad afternoon after that tour. I had to finish recruiting tour guides for next week, which I thought I had succeeded in doing, but then one pulled out at the last minute so I delegated that task to C for tomorrow. I then had to finish D's schedule for the payroll service for next week and run that down to them and then I tried to return the calls of people who had left me messages, but every time I started doing that I got interrupted and when I went back to I had another message. I would take that one down, return one call and then while I was on that call, another message would come in. My phone never rings that much normally, but it's Murphy's phone law. Whenever you wish your phone would stop ringing, it won't and vice-versa. I ended up delegating my call list to C for tomorrow too, because 4:30 came around and I needed to leave and I still wasn't done.
...went to get the keys for my new apartment and had another look around the place to see where all the plugs were and also to confirm my sneaky suspicion that I probably will indeed have to put my kitchen table in my living room. Oh well, no biggie. My new place is still way nicer than what I have now :o)
...only had time to eat half my dinner before running out to a spa appointment. Yeah, I still need to get back to the rest of it, it's waiting for me in the microwave.
...have no clue how I'm going to manage to do everything I want to do tonight, which includes washing the dishes, getting a load of laundry done, talking to my Sweetheart, having a shower and starting to load my food into bags for the start of my move tomorrow. I'd better get to it.
As a final note, don't expect much in the way of blogging from me again until Saturday night or Sunday. My internet is getting cut tomorrow along with my cable and phone (it all runs on cable, can you tell?) and I'm not getting plugged back in until Saturday at some point between noon and 5:00 P.M. I'll try and get a post in on Saturday if I have time, otherwise expect me back on Sunday :o)
Have a great weekend everyone!