Today I...
...spent the day stuffing envelopes and was surprised by how tiring it was. I started at 9:30 A.M., stopped at 12:30 for lunch and started again at about 1:45 and went until 4:00. My colleague 'J' whose I was doing this for misjudged how long it was going to take to get it done, bu there were only ever four of us at once and I was alone for about two and a half hours in the afternoon. J swore that next time he has a mail out to do, he'll get more people to help.
...was very happy to come home and crash.
...continued to count down to my vacation, T-minus 16 days now!!!
...decided to share this picture I took in Old Montreal two weekends ago with you. I desaturated it because when I took it I knew darn well that it would look great in black-and-white :o)
Nice - the view is beautifully framed by the city.